Registered Migration Agents | Intellectual Property | Family Law


Passion. Experience. Diligence.

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Our Team


managing PRINCIPAL

Rob Williams

Rob leads our Australian office, based out of Melbourne, where he heads our Intellectual Property and Immigration practices. With 15 years' experience in intellectual property, Rob's experience extends beyond patent and trade mark prosecution and into strategic planning and IP management.  He also works with a wide range of international partners to create a truly global portfolio for clients.  For our immigration practice, with a team of three, Rob manages all parts of our full-service offering, from visa and citizenship filings to immigration litigation and refugee advocacy work.

Outside the IP and Immigration law world, Rob enjoys sport, and is an ex-international swimmer and rower. He is also a Registered Psychologist working in a psychodynamic space with children and adolescents.



LLD - Public International Law (commenced Jan 2023)
LLM - Human Rights / Intl Environmental Law
MAppPsych - Clinical Psychology
MPsych - Sport Psychology
BA(Hons) - Psychology, International Relations
GradCert - Australian Migration Law
Dipl IP Law

Registered Trade Mark Attorney
Registered Psychologist

Migration Agent Registration Number:  1789911
Member Migration Institute of Australia - MIA Profile




Anthony Jacobs

Anthony is our partner in charge of consulting in Family Law.  With more than ten years' experience with family law issues, Anthony provides clients with a personalised service in this sensitive area.  Our office specialises in family-law areas particular to the LGBT community; Anthony is an expert in surrogacy and adoption law, and laws affecting sexually-diverse families.

Outside the office, Anthony is an avid triathlete, and has competed internationally. He is also a local youth-rugby coach, and enjoys long weekends camping away from the city.



PhD - Law
LLM - Jurisprudence
BSc(Hons) - Electrical Engineering